新疆和田羊脂白玉是世界上品質最好的極品軟玉,和田玉質地細膩,光澤滋潤,質堅而又富於韌性,屬於”玉中極品”,由於它礦產量稀少,開採量甚微,也因而更顯名貴.拍賣行連一次性收集大量的拍品也比較困難,這也造就了和田玉的市場前景十分看好,尤其是近年來又興起了一股收藏玉石籽料之風,引起了籽料價值持續上漲,目前市場上1公斤和田羊脂白玉的價格已經高達200餘萬元,一般的白玉1公斤也要達到10餘萬元,並且還存在著很大的升值空間。專家提示,投資和田玉,應盡量選擇精品,所謂”精品”其實包括兩個方面的含義:一是玉石料本身的價值,同為和田玉,因玉石料分為山料和籽料而價格大不相同;二是工藝價值。同樣的一塊玉石料,由不同的人雕琢也會呈現出不同的價值。只有選擇了精品,才會有較大的投資升值空間,一般每年增幅高達30~50%,即使短期內不能升值,也可以用來保值,至少不會貶值.而那些原材料和藝術價值一般的作品,雖然也會升值,但升值空間十分有限,一般來說,一件作品的投資額在幾萬元以上,才可能獲得較為可觀的投資收益. Crazy stone Nephrite Xinjiang Hetian mutton fat Baiyu is in the world the quality best best quality goods nephrite, the Hetian jade quality of material is exquisite, the gloss moistens, the nature firm and is rich in toughness, belongs to “in the jade the best quality goods”, because its minerals quantity is scarce, yield really micro, also therefore obviously precious. The auction room disposable collection massive rackets also are quite continually difficult, this also accomplished the Hetian jade market prospect to favor, particularly has started in recent years wind of collection jade seed material, caused the …