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台北市Natural Slimming Pills - Herbal Weight Loss Supplement
張貼者: oslim33      張貼日期:2011/9/7

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Natural Slimming Pills - Herbal Weight Loss Supplement

Oslim Capsule is a special blend of clinically tested herbs which removes deposited fat quickly and maintains balance of vata, pitta and kapha when you lose weight and limit the formation of fatty acids in the muscles and in liver. Oslim is complete natural slimming pills with absolutely no side effects.

Oslim Slimming Pills is an affordable Natural Weight Loss Solution designed to help Melt Fat from Your Body.

It helps to reduce Kapha, which is the basis of fat accumulation, thus preventing further fat deposition. It strengthens the internal immune system. It cleanses the toxins from the blood, tissues, lungs and lymphatic. Oslim oxidizes fat, which is excreted out of body with stool. It suppresses excessive appetite thereby reducing weight and curbing extra sugar and food cravings.

‧Achieve your ideal body weight
‧Feel lean, light and tight
‧Be comfortable in your favorite outfits
‧Improve your facial features
‧Get rid of tummy fat
‧Improve confidence in the way you look
‧Achieve a healthier lifestyle

Oslim Capsule helps regularize body metabolism and destroy accumulated fat. This herbal weight loss supplement regulates body metabolism and helps to suppress appetite. Oslim natural slimming pills burn fat and calories gradually while preserving muscle tissue.

Oslim can help you achieve instant to long term weight loss by helping you to reduce your dietary fat intake by bind up to 28% fat intake. It is clinically proven natural slimming pills highly recommended by doctors from around the world.

Oslim 90 Natural Slimming Pills
‧Burn deposited fat
‧Strengthen digestion
‧Speeds up metabolism
‧Remove toxins
‧Suppress excessive appetite
‧Burn fat calories
‧Preserve muscle tissue
‧Reduce cholesterol levels
‧Decrease food cravings


Citrus Aurantium Ext , Garcinia Cambogia, Green tea ext , Inulin , bitter Melon extract


Take one capsule thrice a day with water or as directed by the healthcare practitioner. For optimum result, take Oslim Natural Slimming Pills consistently for at least 2-3 months. To get the best weight loss results, make sure you combine taking Oslim Capsules with a healthy calorie-controlled diet and exercise.

Oslim 90 Natural Slimming Pills


價格 SAVE 運費  
90粒 NT 3,999 - 免費
180粒 NT 7,660 NT 398 免費
270粒 NT 10,999 NT 998 免費
450粒 NT 15,000 NT 4,995 免費


Reduce appetite
Regulate fat metabolism
Post pregnancy weight gain
Low metabolic rate

Usage: 90 capsules = 1 month

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the main causes of obesity?

Obesity is caused by excessive food intake, lack of exercises and physical activities, excessive intake of oil, sugar and potatoes in diet, and use of certain drugs such as steroids and artificial female hormone (estrogen combinations) for a long duration. Heredity factors and disease of the Adrenal glands can also cause weight gain.

There are many places in the body where excessive fat is deposited. The common areas are the abdomen, breasts and buttocks. Excessive fat may impair the function of the vital organs such as heart, liver and the kidneys. It may also result in diabetes, heart disease and asthma.

What Oslim is and what it is used for?

Oslim Capsule is a powerful herbal weight loss supplement traditionally used to aid slimming. It is for use as part of a calorie-controlled diet. It is for use by adults (16 years and above) and the elderly.

How Oslim helps in natural weight loss?

Ayurveda defines obesity as the imbalance of one of the three doshas i.e. Kapha. When Kapha increases, fat metabolism gets hampered and the person becomes obese. Ayurvedic herbs present in Oslim Slimming Pills help to reduce Kapha, which is the basis of fat accumulation and improves fat metabolism. This prevents further fat deposition and at the same time burn deposited fat.

Thus by correcting the Kapha imbalance and speeding up the metabolism, Oslim Slimming Pills helps in natural weight loss.

What are the benefits of Oslim Capsule?

After years of research we have formulated a powerful combination of ayurvedic herbs that will help you to burn body fat, reduce weight, curb your appetite and increase your energy level. It helps speed up weight loss by acting on your body's metabolism (speed up the rate at which your body converts fat into energy). When taken as part of a calorie-controlled diet with exercise, Oslim can lead to weight loss.

How can Oslim Slimming Pills help me lose weight?

Oslim Slimming Pills help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite, speeding up your body's metabolic rate and stimulating fat metabolism.

Why Oslim is rated No.1 slimming pills?

Oslim has been rated number one for its effectiveness, consistency and overall quality by many customer's reviews and testimonials.

There are a number of reasons why it is rated No.1 -

Results - Oslim results are not only fast and effective but they are also consistent and unlike many other weight loss pills and supplements they promote long term natural weight loss.

Clinically Proven - Unlike many competing brands Oslim is clinically proven and certified slimming pills for the treatment of obesity and weight management.

Guarantee - An incredible 30 days guarantee, which ensures customer satisfaction and shows our confidence in our best quality product.

How long does Oslim take to start to see results?

Every user has different needs and weight loss goals. Unlike many of our competitors we cater for customers as individuals and give them realistic targets that they can achieve. Therefore results will vary from individual to individual. We do recommend that all of our customers should take Oslim for at least 120 days so that they can see beneficial results.

Is there any possible side effect of taking Oslim?

Oslim is 100% natural and completely safe for long-term use and has no clinically known side effects. It is made from natural and organic plant extract and therefore suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is also free from allergens, artificial coloring, flavors, salt and preservatives. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not take this capsule.

Why can I not use Oslim when pregnant?

Pregnancy and lactation are periods of extreme sensitivity and as such any label claim allowing for such use must be backed by clinical studies. No study has yet been carried out with Oslim to establish a profile in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.

Can I take Oslim when I am taking drugs prescribed to me by a doctor?

It is generally safe to take this slimming pill even when taking prescription medication. However, if on medication, you are advised to consult your doctor before taking this capsule.

Can I order Oslim with privacy and discretion?

Yes all of our products are shipped in discreet packaging with no reference to the contents. We have never sold personal information to Third Parties. Your Credit Card details are not kept on file. We use 128bit encryption technology.

Natural Slimming Pills - Herbal Weight Loss Supplement_圖片(1)

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